Get up to speed on Docker really quickly from a Developer perspective. Learn to work with Docker Client, Docker Machine and other finer nuances.
Setup a few aliases to work with Azure VMs more effectively. You can start & stop all VMs with simple commands. You can also view detailed status.
Learn to setup a Linux server (with bash shell) such that it executes a shell script ONLY once per user during login.
Storing App secrets (ex. DB connection strings, etc.) in a configuration file as cleartext is a concern. Learn how to manage it better with Azure Key Vault.
Learn about component creation in Angular JS
Security is not an optional thing for your website! Learn how easily you can implement a free SSL certificate and auto-renew it periodically.
Quickly learn the basics of Docker
Learn how to setup a network of multiple CentOS servers using Virtual Box. This can be very helpful for local setup and testing purposes.
This part of the MEAN series focuses on Node.js. Learn about the Node.js basics and get up to speed quickly.
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