Getting started with MongoDB

Recently MongoDB was featured as one of the 2017 CNBC Disruptor 50 companies and I was not surprised at all! It was a very well deserved spot. MongoDB, as the team claims, is for Giant Ideas... and I just want to add that it is not JUST for the Giant ones ;-) It is suitable for a variety of projects and it is very simple to learn and manage. There are companies who provide MongoDB platform as DBaaS (DataBase as a Service) and it makes your DB management even simpler.

MONGO is a play on the word Humongous: /hjuːˈmʌŋɡəs/ - adjective - Huge; Enormous

If you want to learn MongoDB, here are a few easy ways to get up to speed quickly:

1. MongoDB University

The MongoDB University is my personal favorite. You can build your schedule and learn at your own pace. I loved the trainers and the presentations. It was not like a typical PowerPoint presentation that puts many to sleep. You can dedicate a few hours for a few weeks and end up with decent knowledge for FREE! The only investment you make is your time.

2. Official Documentation

MongoDB's manual is one of the better-written ones. When I am in doubt, more often than not, this is my first destination and I am rarely disappointed. The docs are crisply written, well structured and very practical.

3. PluralSight course on MongoDB

PluralSight has quite a few courses on MongoDB. I liked the ones authored by Nuri Halperin. A grand total of around 12 hours and you will feel like an expert. Nuri actually covers a lot of ground! PluralSight has a great library and worth every penny. They provide a FREE 10-day trial too.

4. Books on MongoDB

One of the better books available is: <a href=>

MongoDB - The Definitive Guide

5. A Quick Overview

If you are looking for a quick overview of the commands, you can read this article too, and in case you want to set up MongoDB in AWS check this out.

6. Communities

Webinars &amp; Social Events

Happy Learning!

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