Run a command and get output as object in PowerShell

Sometimes it so happens that you have to run a generic Windows command and parse the output in PowerShell. Say you want to execute a command called dsregcmd. This command gives you loads of information about the machine you are running it on;

Let's view the normal output of this command in PowerShell.

PS C:> dsregcmd /status 
| Device State                                                         |

             AzureAdJoined : YES
          EnterpriseJoined : NO
              DomainJoined : NO
           Virtual Desktop : NOT SET
               Device Name : XXXXX-XXWMY

| Device Details                                                       |

                  DeviceId : a1f5413b-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-a35c9b227323
                Thumbprint : 0FE816B9EAFD3976B85EXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
| Tenant Details                                                       |

                TenantName : Labs
                  TenantId : d11b204f-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-15ad85a7675b
| User State                                                           |

                    NgcSet : NO
           WorkplaceJoined : NO
             WamDefaultSet : YES

| SSO State                                                            |

                AzureAdPrt : YES
      AzureAdPrtUpdateTime : 2024-05-28 05:01:57.000 UTC
      AzureAdPrtExpiryTime : 2024-06-11 05:01:56.000 UTC
| Diagnostic Data                                                      |

        AadRecoveryEnabled : NO
| IE Proxy Config for Current User                                     |

      Auto Detect Settings : YES
    Auto-Configuration URL : 
         Proxy Server List : 
         Proxy Bypass List : 

| WinHttp Default Proxy Config                                         |

               Access Type : DIRECT

| Ngc Prerequisite Check                                               |

            IsDeviceJoined : YES
             IsUserAzureAD : YES
             PolicyEnabled : YES

Step 1: Use the Where-Object or ?

The following is much cleaner:

PS C:> dsregcmd /status | ? { $_ -match ' : ' }

              AzureAdJoined : YES
          EnterpriseJoined : NO
              DomainJoined : NO
           Virtual Desktop : NOT SET

Step 2: Use the Foreach-Object or %

The following clears all the spaces around the text:

PS C:>  dsregcmd /status | ? { $_ -match ' : ' } |  % { $_.Trim() } 
 AzureAdJoined : YES
EnterpriseJoined : NO
DomainJoined : NO
Virtual Desktop : NOT SET 

Step 3: ConvertFrom-String to Object

Enough cleaning, let's convert it to object now:

PS C:> dsregcmd /status | ? { $_ -match ' : ' } |  % { $_.Trim() } | ConvertFrom-String -PropertyNames 'Name','Value' -Delimiter ' : ' 

Name                      Value                                                                                                                   
----                      -----                                                                                                                   
AzureAdJoined             YES                                                                                                                     
EnterpriseJoined          NO                                                                                                                      
DomainJoined              NO                                                                                                                      
Virtual Desktop           NOT SET        

Almost done!

Step 4: Save the following function in your PowerShell file

function Get-DeviceInfo([string]$propertyName="all") {
    # Run the dsregcmd /status command and process the output
    $deviceInfoOutput = dsregcmd /status | Where-Object { $_ -match ' : ' } | % { $_.Trim() } | ConvertFrom-String -PropertyNames 'Name','Value' -Delimiter ' : '

    # Convert the resulting array of objects into a hashtable for easier access
    $deviceInfo = @{}
    $deviceInfoOutput | % { $deviceInfo[$_.Name] = $_.Value }

    # Return any property
    if($propertyName -eq "all") {
        return $deviceInfo
    } else {
        return $deviceInfo[$propertyName]

Use it like:

PS C:> Get-DeviceInfo all
Name                      Value                                                                                                                   
----                      -----                                                                                                                   
AzureAdJoined             YES                                                                                                                     
EnterpriseJoined          NO                                                                                                                      
DomainJoined              NO                                                                                                                      
Virtual Desktop           NOT SET        

PS C:> Get-DeviceInfo AzureAdJoined 

Hope this helps!

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